Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Class Act

By the end of the first day of teaching, we were all exhausted. Getting everything ready, working until 9 PM and trying to figure out who our students were and what we were doing took its toll. We were supposed to have a post-teaching meeting to talk about how it went. I was in no mood for a meeting. I wanted to go home, eat and sleep.

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled into the dining room to see it set with a huge feast for all the teachers - a celebration in honor of the first day. Alexi proclaimed "you launched it!" and we all ate dinner and toasted each other. I loved it. I was so impressed. I can't imagine anything like that happening back home.

After dinner, I picked up a broom to help clear crumbs from the floor. Alexi, with his camera ever at the ready, snapped a quick photo shouting "1920s Housewife in the Kitchen" and lauging uproariously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an awesome photo! Although, I must say, before I read the description, it was a very STRANGE, awesome photo.

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will work or not, but will try. Hi Nicole: I signed my dog's name (romeo) - but it's really nessa. Anyway, your classroom ideas of presenting US history through music & costume sound very engaging and clever! Teaching is a great venue for originality! Bet you & your team are doing a great job from the start! Thanks again for the blog site address. Now I can tune in. Enjoyed catching up with all the entries! romeo's mom (nessa)

10:11 PM  

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