Monday, January 15, 2007

Box Envy

I decided I have the coolest friends in the world. So this is a thank you to everyone. As I think my sister put it, "your friends know how to be friends over long distances". And it's true. There's been a steady stream of packages with all sorts of nifty goodies inside and I get terribly excited every time I get a slip saying there's something sitting at the post office. In case you were wondering, this is where the chocolate, goldfish, tea and coffee go. Supporting morale on the front lines of American EFL instruction.

(this is also a belated thank you for all the mail you sent while I was in Iraq - leading members of my office to exclaim, "dang, LT, your friends send you more stuff than my wife does!")

So, here's to you guys...

This was a box opening commemorated at the beginning of last semester. I think I'm throwing or hitting someone with a red pen. I'm not exactly sure. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, I get a little carried away.


Blogger Justin Wilmes said...


I've been browsing your blog for a while now. I enjoy reading it. I tried to find your email address on the site but it doesnt seem to be available. Could you send me your email address? Mine is



10:56 AM  
Blogger russiangirl said...

Dear Dusty,
I'm glad you enjoy the blog. At this time, I don't have email set up to communicate with blog-readers, but if you have any questions about Russia or Vladimir, I'd be happy to answer them here.

8:57 AM  

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