Atomic Beauty
Extra hot: Russian beauty contest for nuke power workers
Jan 30 10:57 AM US/Eastern
The nuclear power sector in Russia and across the former Soviet Union is inviting female employees to compete in Miss Atom-2007, a contest to discover the industry's most radiant beauty. "There are a lot of beautiful women in the Russian nuclear sector," said Ilya Platonov, who runs the site and is organising the contest.
The number of applicants for the Miss Atom title has trebled since the first competition in 2004, Platonov told AFP, reaching 220 last year. Competitors must be aged 18-35 and work in the nuclear sector in Russia or other ex-Soviet states, or at least be studying nuclear science at university, Rosenergoatom, which runs Russia's nuclear power stations, said. They have until February 20 to send in photos and CVs to Voting will take place online and the winner and runners-up will later be given awards at a ceremony at Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, in Moscow.